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DHBenelux workshop "Advanced Text Editing with Alexandria"

DHBenelux 2019 Workshop, 11 September 2019

Home | Schedule | Preparation | Links


Technical requirements

Corpus: During the workshop, we will work with a small corpus of texts and an XSLT template to generate HTML. The corpus is prepared in advance by the instructors in order to streamline the tutorial exercises.

Hardware: Participants must bring laptops with Windows/Mac OS X/Linux (No iOS / ChromeOS / Surface devices)

Software: Install Sublime Text 3 and the custom TAGML syntax highlighting package. Sublime Text 3 is a cross-platform editor that has syntax highlighting for TAGML.

Command Line Practice: While prior knowledge of command line is not required, we recommend SW Carpentry’s Tutorial on the Unix Shell if you would like to familiarize yourself ahead of time.